Afrah Hamdy

I will help you discover the best version of yourself, to become confident, attractive, and feminine in your relationships and achieve the results you desire quickly

+ 0 Million Followers On

Afrah Hamdy

I will help you discover the best version of yourself, to become confident, attractive, and feminine in your relationships and achieve the results you desire quickly

+ 0 Million Followers On

Private Consultations

Discover the secrets and tips that will lead you to a love life and personal life filled with happiness and success!

Excellent Consulting

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Create Your Future With Time Line Therapy®

Timeline Therapy® is a therapeutic technique that works on a subconscious level to help you release negative emotions associated with past experiences and reprogram your internal responses. Your "timeline" represents your mental framework, allowing you to distinguish between past memories and future perceptions, which in turn influences your emotional responses

The Goal: 

The primary goal of Timeline Therapy® is to subtly and unconsciously shift your behavior patterns, enabling you to respond to present situations based on current circumstances, rather than emotions tied to the past. This approach aims to enhance your overall well-being, delivering lasting results in a short period


Through Timeline Therapy®, you can move beyond limiting beliefs, detach from negative emotions tied to past memories, and form new, positive beliefs. This process empowers you to move toward a more fulfilling and enriched life.


Rediscover your true self and achieve happiness and success in your romantic and personal life 

A Close Exploration Of Your Love Life

If you're facing an emotional challenge, feeling stuck, and seeking guidance

Join this call to discover the next step in your life and how to reach your dream as quickly as possible

Book Now!

Decode Your Love Life, The Highway To Your Happiness

Do you have a confusing love life and don’t know where to start?

Do you want to discover the secret to attracting the love of your dreams?

Join this call to discover the secret that stands between you and achieving a happy emotional life starting today!

Don't waste time; hurry and book now

Get Him To Chase You Again!

Do you feel that he is ignoring you?
Would you like him to chase you again?
Join this call with me to discover the secret of transforming his indifference and withdrawal into love and interest without any effort on your part

Don't waste time; hurry and book now

Get The Tools You Need To Make A Real Difference In Your Life. With Comprehensive E-courses, Informative E-books, And An Exclusive Membership To The Female And Charisma Program, We Provide You With Everything You Need To Develop Yourself, Rediscover The Best Version Of Yourself, And Succeed In Your Emotional And Personal Relationships.

Feminine & Charismatic Membership

A positive learning environment helps you achieve your goals in all aspects of your life

Exclusive tools and booklets rich in information and practical steps

Access to an unlimited number of comprehensive courses for personal development and emotional and interpersonal relationships

4.9 (5000+ Ratings)


Integrated Courses That Help You Learn The Skills Of Self-love, Charisma And Femininity, Which Make You Distinguished In Your Relationships With Others In All Aspects Of Your Emotional And Personal Life.


E-books Rich In Information And Practical Steps In All Aspects Of Your Life To Make You The Best Version Of Yourself In Your Emotional And Personal Life.
About Me

Afrah Hamdy

Afra Hamdy, a former Director in the health and wellness sector with prestigious global companies, has over 14 years of experience. She transitioned from her successful career to empowering Arab women worldwide. She has over 2.5 million followers on social media and has garnered hundreds of millions of views, being featured on various satellite channels across the Arab world. She focuses on raising awareness about self-love, self-confidence, and how to build healthy relationships in all aspects of life

Satellite Channels And Events That I Was Hosted In

Success Stories And Customer Reviews


ياسمين غاطي

الرؤية المستقبلية أنا سعيد جدًا باكتشاف شانيل أفراح … وسعيد بالقيام بتحدي التسعينات مع كل الفريق .. شكرًا أفراح ❤️ أقدر جهودك ❤️

Haifa Salem

Thank You For Your Strong Impact On Me. You Really Made Me Feel Positively Affected By You, Even Though I Was Very Harsh On Myself And Made Mistakes Every Time.


What I Like About Your Content Is That It Covers All Aspects Of A Woman’s Life In General, From Beauty Care, Cleanliness, Life, Prices, And Relationships, And That You Speak With Complete Transparency. There Is A Word You Said That I Will Never Forget When One Time A Woman Criticized You And Said That You Are Fake And That Your Life Is Perfect And Many Other Things. My Response To Her Was That Thank God I Show The Beautiful Part Of My Life To The Point That You Felt That I Am Perfect. I Have Been Following You For A Long Time And Your Videos Have Affected Me And I Feel That You Are A Very Aware Person ❤️.


تعلم كيف تستمتع بكونك على طبيعتك. إنها رائعة وتتحدث من قلبها❤️

Nagwan Mahmoud Sayed Mahmoud

You Are Wonderful In All Your Advice And You Strive To Help All Girls. I Love You Very Much And Appreciate Your Wonderful Effort, My Dear. I Wish You All The Best And Love.

نجلاء صلاح

الثقة بالنفس


أنا بجد اتعلمت و انتي اقنعتي عقلي بحاجات انا كنت في صراع مع نفسي فيها وشجعتيني وربنا بعتك ليا ف وقت انا كنت فعلا محتاجة فيه لحد شكرا من القلب💜☺

فاطمة سليمان

بجد انتى إنسانة إيجابية ومكافحة وقدوة لينا وعشان كدة انا بالفعل اشتركت في عدة دورات على موقعك للتدريب زي دورة فك شفرة الرجل المتجنب وايضا تقدير الذات وقوة الطاقة الأنثوية وبجد عجبنى جدا ” المخطط الاسبوعي” مفيد جدا. شكرا جدا يا أفراح على مجهودك معانا فى محاولة مساعدتنا على تطوير نفسنا شخصيا وعاطفيا واتمنى لكى النجاح والتوفيق دائما يارب

Somaya Ahmed

With every video or post from you, my respect for you increases. I still remember the first time I followed Afrah Hamdi’s channel on YouTube and how I found it.


سمر المقت

 المدربة أفراح، أنت لست مجرد مدربة حياة، أنت أبعد من ذلك لقد جعلتني أعيد النظر في طريقة تفكيري وتقييم نفسي.



عندما تكون الامل لمن لا امل له كوتش افراح ، بالصدفه رأيت تحدي ال90 وكان مجرد قرار لحظي ان اشترك ، لم يكن لدي علم كم



امتنان أفراح شخص رائع يتمتع بذكاء عالٍ! إنها تتفهم مشاكلنا بعمق وتتوصل إلى أفضل الحلول.



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When A Man Ignores You: Thoughts Of An Avoidant Man In Relationships

In The World Of Relationships, Many People Face Different Challenges. One Of Those Challenges May Be Interacting With A Partner Who Displays Avoidant Behavior. A Man With An Avoidant Pattern May Have Certain Thoughts That Cause Him To Display Behavior That Appears To Be Neglect Or Disregard.

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